Courses taught
STAT 300: Statistics Communication (Summer 2022)
Course description: Guided experiences in written and oral communication of statistical ideas and results with both scientific and lay audiences.
Course website:
Simon Fraser University
Courses TA’d
STAT 300: Statistics Communication (Spring 2022)
Instructor: Marie Loughin
STAT 350: Linear Models in Applied Statistics (Fall 2021)
Instructor: Payman Nickchi
STAT 302: Analysis of Experimental and Observational Data (Summer 2021)
Instructor: Rachel Altman
STAT 300: Statistics Communication (Spring 2021)
Instructor: Marie Loughin
STAT 305: Introduction to Biostatistical Methods for Health Sciences (Fall 2020)
Instructor: Lloyd Elliott
STAT 302: Analysis of Experimental and Observational Data (Summer 2020)
Instructor: Marie Loughin
STAT 302: Analysis of Experimental and Observational Data (Spring 2020)
Instructor: Marie Loughin
STAT 203: Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences (Spring 2019)
Instructor: Gaitri Yapa
STAT 100: Chance and Data Analysis (Fall 2018)
Instructor: Gaitri Yapa
Simon Fraser University
BABS 550: Application of Statistics in Management (Summer 2017)
Instructor: Jonathan Berkowitz
COMM 290: Introduction to Quantitative Decision Making (Fall 2009)
Instructor: Brian Graham
University of British Columbia